Modern education and development
- name: "Modern education and development";
- language: Uzbek, Russian and English;
- Purpose and tasks: general secondary schools, academic teachers of high schools, vocational colleges, higher education system professors and teachers, graduate students, talented students, independent articles, theses of researchers in the republic and internationally print to scale;
- specialization: scientific, methodical, methodical and artistic.
- periodicity: twice a month;- Type: Electronic journal;
"TADQIQOTLAR.UZ" jahon ilmiy-metodik jurnali quyidagi yo'nalishlarda maqola hamda tezislarni qabul qiladi:
- Aniq fanlar
- Tabiiy fanlar
- Texnika fanlari
- Pedagogik fanlar
- Ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlar
- Falsafa fanlari
- Filologiya
- Iqtisodiy fanlar
Journal of new century innovations
Journal of new century innovations - International scientific electronic journal
ISSN (p): 2181-3671
ISSN (e): 2181-368XThe journal is directed to the publication of scientific, methodical, methodical and artistic articles and theses related to the fields of science
Ta'lim innovatsiyasi va integratsiyasi
"Ta'lim innovatsiyasi va integratsiyasi" jurnali pedagogik faoliyat bilan shug‘ullanayotgan professor -o‘qituvchlarning faoliyatini keng miqyosda yoritish va ularning ta’lim rivojiga qo‘shayotgan xissalari, ilmiy yutuqlarini o‘z saxifalarida aks ettirgan xolda respublika miqyosida va undan tashqarida keng ommani qo‘llab quvvatlash va soxani rivojlantirish maqsadiga safarbar etishdan iborat.