Respublika bolalar ijtimoiy moslashuv markazlarining faoliyati haqida
bolalar, yetim bolalar, xatar guruhidagi bolalar, psixofizik, huquqiy xavf,voyaga yetmaganlar, iqtidorli bolalar, ijtimoiy, pedagogik, psixologik, reabilitatsiya, ijtimoiy himoya, ijtimoiy moslashuv, adabtatsiya, ijtimoiy muhit. About the activities of republican children's social adjustment centers., children, orphans, children at risk, psychophysical, legal risk, minors, gifted children, social, pedagogical, psychological, rehabilitation, social protection, social adaptation, adaptation, social environment.Abstract
Ushbu maqolada Respublika bolalar moslashuv markazlari faoliyati, maqsad va vazifalari, markazda tahsil olayotgan bolalarni ijtimoiy muhitga moslashtirish. Ma’naviy barkamol va jismoniy sog‘lom avlodni tarbiyalash ishlari samaradorligini oshirish, jismoniy imkoniyatlari cheklangan bolalar, notinch oilalar bolalari yoki ota-onalari qarovisiz qolgan bolalarning to‘liq ijtimoiy moslashuvini ta’minlash.
In this article, the activity, goals and tasks of the Republican Children's Adaptation Center, adaptation of the children studying in the center to the social environment. To increase the effectiveness of raising a spiritually mature and physically healthy generation, to ensure full social adaptation of children with limited physical abilities, children from troubled families or children left without parental care.