Beginner's Guide to Data & Analytics


  • Feruza Erkulova Melikuziyevna Author


Analytics is the systematic computational analysis of data. It involves applying statistical and logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. The ultimate goal is to extract useful information that can lead to informed decisions (Davenport & Harris, 2007).


Data refers to raw, unprocessed facts and figures, which can be anything from numbers and text to images and videos. When data is organized and processed to have meaning, it becomes information (Turban, Sharda, & Delen, 2011).

Author Biography

  • Feruza Erkulova Melikuziyevna

    Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)

    Namangan State institute of foreign Languages

    Telephone number: +998979554425

Modern education and development

