musiqa, dars, musiqiy ta’lim, kuylash, music, lesson, music education, singingAbstract
O’sib kelayotgan yosh avlodni har tomonlama yetuk qilib tarbiyalashda musiqа darslari va musiqiy tarbiya alohida ahamiyat kasb etadi. Bu borada musiqa muallimlari asosiy e’tibor boshlabg’ich sinf o’quvchilarini ma’naviy va ma’rifiy jihatdan yetuk bo’lishlariga qaratish muhim vazifalardan biri hisoblanadi, ayniqsa qo’shiq o’rgatish jarayonida badiiy ijodkorlikni tarbiyalashga e’tiborni qaratish o’ta muhim vazifalardan biri bo’lib hisoblaiadi. Respublikamiz prezidenti Sh.Mirziyoyev musiqa madaniyati o’qituvchilarini ya’ni shu kasb egalarining imkoniyatlarini chuqur his qilgan holda, yosh avlodga musiqiy ta’lim berish zarurligiga alohida e’tibor qaratib, ularga zarur shart-sharoitlar yaratib berish haqida maxsus farmon chiqardi.
Music lessons and music education play an important role in educating the younger generation. In this regard, one of the important tasks of music teachers is to focus on the spiritual and enlightenment development of primary school students, especially in the process of teaching singing, it is very important to focus on the development of artistic creativity. is one of the tasks. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev, deeply aware of the potential of music culture teachers, paid special attention to the need to provide music education to the younger generation and issued a special decree to create the necessary conditions for them.