Editorial Team

Editor in chief

Saidova Mohinur Jonpolatovna, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Primary Education, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute

Executive Secretary

Abdurahmonov Boburjon 

Members of the editorial board:

Mustafayev Oybek Bobomuradovich, doctor of philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, associate professor of Navoi State University of mining and technology

Saydaxmetova Shaxnoza Ravshanbekovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Pedagogical Sciences, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan

Jumaboyev G‘ulomjon, qishloq xo‘jaligi fanlari doktori (PhD), Toshkent davlat agrar universiteti dorivor o‘simliklar o‘simliklari kafedrasi dotsenti

Mirzayev Nuriddin Fayzullayivech, Karshi institute of irrigation and agrotechnotogns of the national r-esearcs university "TIIAME"

Akhmedova Nazira Makhmudovna, Navoi State Mining and Technology University, Associate Professor of the Department of Life Safety

Muradov Rustam Muradovich, Professor, Doctor of Science in Technical sciences, (Namangan Institute of Textile Industry)

Barotov Muslimboy Usmanovich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. associate professor Associate professor of the Department of physics and methods of teaching Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami

Nazarov Azamat Sattorovich, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Psychology of Religion and Pedagogy International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)

Islomov Akmal Xushvaqovich kimyo fanlari doctori, (DSc) yetakchi ilmiy xodimi. Oʼzbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar akademiyasi Bioorganik kimyo instituti

Xayitov Axror Axmadovich, is an associate professor of the Department of Technology and Design of Leather Products at Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technologyis an associate professor of the Department of Technology and Design of Leather Products at Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology

Safarova Nigora Ohunjonovna is a professor of the Department of Primary Education of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute

Hakimova Mehriniso Homitovna Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute Associate Professor of Primary Education Department Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)

Preparing for publishing                       

Mukhtorov Abdullajon             

Founder of CODEMI organization