Empowering Change: How English Teachers Can Make a Great Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals


  • Karimova Nodira Davronovna Author


contribution, empowerment, global citizenship, awareness, advocacy, critical thinking, problem-solving, action, cross-cultural understanding, lifelong learning.


One way to secure a brighter future for our planet is by educating the next generation about the significance of sustainable development. The incorporation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the classroom is crucial in achieving this goal. By engaging students in interactive activities and hands-on projects, educators can effectively convey the importance of SDGs and how individuals can contribute to a sustainable future. Introducing students to SDGs enables them to comprehend the impact of their actions on creating a more sustainable world. This approach fosters a sense of social responsibility in students, motivating them to actively participate in improving our planet. Equipped with these tools, teachers can empower students with the necessary skills and knowledge to make a positive difference in their communities and beyond.

Author Biography

  • Karimova Nodira Davronovna

    "TIIAMI" National Research University.

    Teaching theory and methodology department. Assisstent teacher.

Modern education and development

