Asalarining tuxumining tuzilishi va rivojlanishi


  • Azizov Rahmatillo Olimjon o'g'li Author


As important pollinators and honey producers, honey bees have a complex life cycle that begins with egg development. Understanding the structure and development of bee eggs is important to beekeepers and researchers. In this article, we will explore the complex process of bee egg formation, from the formation of the egg to the mature bee., пчелиное яйцо, пчелиная мать, тысячелистник, зародыш, глазок., bee egg, mother bee, yarrow, embryo, eye.


Asalarilar muhim changlatuvchilar va asal ishlab chiqaruvchilar sifatida tuxum rivojlanishi bilan boshlanadigan murakkab hayot aylanishiga ega. Asalari tuxumlarining tuzilishi va rivojlanishini tushunish asalarichilar va tadqiqotchilar uchun juda muhimdir. Ushbu maqolada biz ari tuxumining shakllanishining murakkab jarayonini, tuxumning tuzilishidan etuk asalari bo'lishiga qadar o'rganamiz.

Как важные опылители и производители меда, медоносные пчелы имеют сложный жизненный цикл, который начинается с развития яиц. Понимание структуры и развития пчелиных яиц важно для пчеловодов и исследователей. В этой статье мы рассмотрим сложный процесс образования пчелиного яйца, от формирования яйца до взрослой пчелы.

As important pollinators and honey producers, honey bees have a complex life cycle that begins with egg development. Understanding the structure and development of bee eggs is important to beekeepers and researchers. In this article, we will explore the complex process of bee egg formation, from the formation of the egg to the mature bee.

Author Biography

  • Azizov Rahmatillo Olimjon o'g'li

    Farg‘ona davlat universiteti Agrar qo'shma fakulteti talabalasi

Modern education and development

