The «Silent way» method


  • Mingboyeva Tursunoy Zokirjonovna Author


cognitivism, sensory-emotional, articulation techniques, self-reliance.


the concept of «silent way» teaching of a foreign language first appeared in the 1960s and consists in the fact that the teacher does not interfere verbally in the learning process. It gives the student the opportunity to learn a new language based on their own intellectual perception. The main feature of this method is that everyone who wants to learn a foreign language can easily master it, just need to properly direct their efforts. This method was proposed by the representative of cognitivism Caleb Gatteno, who put forward the theory of independent and autonomous learning of a foreign language by students, where the speech activity of the teacher is reduced to only 10% of the study time, and the remaining 90% is devoted to the communication of the students themselves.[1]


5 Kolesnik, O. G. Yazyk kak sredstvo mezhkul'turnoj kommunikacii.

Author Biography

  • Mingboyeva Tursunoy Zokirjonovna

    3rd grade student of Fergana State University

Modern education and development

