The Structural Features of Arthur Conan Doyle's Detective Works


  • Feruza Akhmedova Author


detective novel, crime, evidence, climax, London settings, detective protagonist, sidekick character, detektiv roman, jinoyat, dalil, kulminatsiya, London voqealari, detektiv qahramon, yordamchi xarakter


Arthur Conan Doyle, the iconic author behind the Sherlock Holmes stories, crafted detective works with distinct structural features that have left an indelible mark on the genre of detective fiction. These structural elements are key to understanding the enduring appeal and influence of Doyle's literary legacy. In this article, we delve into the structural features that characterize Doyle's detective works and their impact on the genre

Sherlok Xolms hikoyalari ortidagi mashhur muallif Artur Konan Doyl detektiv fantastika janrida o‘chmas iz qoldirgan o‘ziga xos strukturaviy xususiyatlarga ega detektiv asarlar yaratdi. Ushbu tarkibiy elementlar Doyl adabiy merosining doimiy jozibasi va ta'sirini tushunish uchun kalit hisoblanadi. Ushbu maqolada biz Doylning detektiv asarlarini tavsiflovchi strukturaviy xususiyatlar va ularning janrga ta'sirini ko'rib chiqamiz.


Author Biography

  • Feruza Akhmedova

    Angren University

Modern education and development

