The selection of polysemous words for English-Uzbek and Uzbek-English dictionaries


  • Nashirova Shakhnoza Burievna Author


English-Uzbek and Uzbek-English dictionaries, polysemous words, vocabulary, bilingual, multilingual, V.V. Dubichinsky


The analysis of English-Uzbek dictionaries shows that the vocabulary of existing dictionaries is almost identical. What criteria do they rely on when choosing words? Dictionaries created on the basis of the Ixarian English language are based on lexical minima (word lists) compiled within the framework of the international methodology of teaching English and linguodidactics, which serve as a basic list (base) for bilingual or multilingual dictionaries in several languages of the world. 

Author Biography

  • Nashirova Shakhnoza Burievna

    PhD, Senior Lecturer

    Karshi State University

Modern education and development

