
  • Rahmonova Sh.E Author
  • Mirzaahmedova N.A Author
  • Shagulyamova K.L Author
  • Safarova S.Ch Author
  • Don A.N. Author


o'quv, tarbiyaviy, oliy, pedagogika, maktab., educational, educational, higher, pedagogy, school.


Maqolada mualliflar oliy maktabdagi o'quv va tarbiyaviy jarayonlarining o'zaro bog'liqligi to'g'risida ma'lumotlarni taqdim etadilar. Talabalarni tarbiyalash masalalari o'qishning muhim qismini tashkil etadi. Tezis to'g'ri, chunki talabalar kasbiy ko'nikma va bilimlarga ega bo'lishlari bilan bir qatorda, kelajakdagi shifokorlarning kasbining axloqiy va deontologik jihatlarini o'z ichiga olgan zarur madaniy imkoniyatlarga ega bo'lishi muhimdir. Yaxshi mutaxassisning ijtimoiy-psixologik etukligi uning bemorlar va ularning qarindoshlari bilan to'g'ri muloqot qilish qobiliyatida namoyon bo'ladi. Xulosa qilib aytganda, kelajakdagi shifokorlarning yuqori o'zini o'zi qadrlashini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan, ularning universal, kasbiy kompetentsiyalarini rivojlantirishga yordam beradigan oliy maktabda o'quv va tarbiyaviy jarayonlarining kuchli o'zaro bog'liqligini ta'kidlash kerak.

In the article, the authors provide information on the interdependence of educational and nurturing processes in higher schools. Student education is an important part of education. The thesis is correct, because in addition to students acquiring professional skills and knowledge, it is important for future doctors to have the necessary cultural opportunities that include the ethical and deontological aspects of the medical profession. The socio-psychological maturity of a good specialist is reflected in his ability to properly communicate with patients and their relatives. In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize the strong interrelationship of educational and training processes in the higher school, aimed at developing high self-esteem of future doctors, helping to develop their universal, professional competences.

Author Biographies

  • Rahmonova Sh.E

    Toshkent Davlat stomatologiya instituti, Toshkent, O‘zbekiston

  • Mirzaahmedova N.A

    Toshkent Davlat stomatologiya instituti, Toshkent, O‘zbekiston

  • Shagulyamova K.L

    Toshkent Davlat stomatologiya instituti, Toshkent, O‘zbekiston

  • Safarova S.Ch

    Toshkent Davlat stomatologiya instituti, Toshkent, O‘zbekiston

  • Don A.N.

    Toshkent Davlat stomatologiya instituti, Toshkent, O‘zbekiston

Modern education and development

