
  • Kayumova Farzona Khayrulla qizi Author


Keywords: Criminology , terminology , new terms , linguistic analysis, term formation , term evaluation , criminological theory, language and law


Abstract:  This  paper  delves  into  the  evolving  landscape  of  criminological 
terminology. It examines the processes through which new terms are introduced into 
the field, including borrowing, modification, and neologism. The authors argue that 
while these new terms enrich the discourse, they must adhere to specific linguistic 
criteria such as brevity, clarity, and consistency. The article presents a critical analysis 
of  various  newly  coined  terms,  highlighting  their  strengths  and  weaknesses.  By 
examining the challenges and opportunities associated with the development of new 
terminology, the paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamic nature of 
criminological language. 



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How to Cite

Kayumova Farzona Khayrulla qizi. (2024). THE NEW TERMINOLOGY IN CRIMINOLOGY . Ta’lim Innovatsiyasi Va Integratsiyasi, 30(3), 23-25.