
  • Tolibayeva is the daughter of Umida Akmalbek


On the approval of the "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy and the measures for 
its  effective  implementation.  On  the  approval  of  the  "Digital  Uzbekistan  -  2030" 
strategy  and  the  measures  for  its  effective  implementation.  development, 
comprehensive  measures  are  being  implemented  for  wide  introduction  of  modern 
information and communication technologies in all branches and sectors, first of all, in 
public administration, education, health care and agriculture. Complex measures are 
being implemented in our country for the active development of the digital economy, 
the widespread introduction of modern information and communication technologies 
in all sectors and areas, first of all, in public administration, education, health care and 
agriculture. In particular, the implementation of more than 220 priority projects aimed 
at improving the electronic government system, further developing the local market of 
software products and information technologies, establishing IT parks in all regions of 
the republic, as well as providing the sector with qualified personnel has begun. In 
particular, the implementation of more than 220 priority projects aimed at improving 
the  electronic  government  system,  further  developing  the  local  market  of  software 
products  and  information  technologies,  establishing  IT  parks  in  all  regions  of  the 
republic,  as  well  as  providing  the  sector  with  qualified  personnel  has  begun.  In 
addition, the comprehensive program "Digital Tashkent" is being implemented, which 
provides  for  the  launch  of  a  geoportal  integrated  with  more  than  40  information 
systems, the creation of an information system for the management of public transport 
and communal infrastructure, the digitization of the social sphere, and the subsequent 
implementation of this experience in other regions. 



O'zbekiston Respublikasining 2020 yil 23 sentyabrdagi "Ta'lim to'g'risi"da O'RQ-

-son Qonuni.

O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining "Raqamli 0'zbekiston-2030" strategiyasini

tasdiqlash va uni samarali amalga oshirish tadbirlari to'g'risida"gi 2020-yil 6

oktyabrdagi PF-6079 sonli Farmoni

"O'zbekiston Respublikasi ta'lim tizimini 2030-yilgacha rivojlantirish

konsepsiyasini tasdiqlash to'g'risida"gi PF-5847-sonli Farmoni

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