Key words:M. Mirzayev, D. Omonullayeva, M. Bafoyev, R. Abdullayev, M. Ashrafiy, composers, composer, musician, children’s songs.Abstrak
Annotation:Composer (Latin: compositor – composer, creator, creator) author
of multi-voice musical works, music creator; a creator who creates his own
independent playing style (composition) in the field of chess.The term "com common
poser" was in Italy by the 16 th century. Composer’s profession requires special (in the
field of composition) knowledge from the artist along with musical and creative ability.
The composer creates musical works with the help of notation, tries to express a new,
individual artistic content. In this respect, he differs from the composer who works in
the monody system based on the criterion of traditionality. Professional composers
study at the composition faculty of the higher music school – the conservatory.
National encyclopedia of Uzbekistan. T.: 2006.y.
Mansurova G.Sh., Choir studies and work with choral groups. T.: 2GG8.y.
Kadirov R.G., Music psychology. T.: 2GI8.y
M. Murodova. Folklore and ethnography – Tashkent, 2008
O. Ibrahimov. Uzbek folk music – Tashkent, 1994.
A. Jabborov. Musical drama and comedy genres in the creativity of Uzbek
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N.Yuldasheva.N.Rakhmatova Uzbek music literature – Tashkent, 2016.
F. Mukhtarova. Polyphony – Tashkent, 2019.