
  • Ashurokhunova Dildora


Key words: Translation, Linguistics, Syntax, Idiomatic Expressions, Cultural Nuances, Cross-Linguistic Communication, Phonetics, Grammatical Structures, Stylistic Elements, Tone, Register, Rhetorical Devices, Misinterpretation, Language Learning, Comparative Linguistics, Language Barriers, Semantic Differences, Contextual Meaning, Bilingualism, Communication Strategies


Abstract:  This  article  explores  the  linguistic  and  stylistic  challenges 
encountered  in  the  translation  and  interpretation  between  Uzbek  and  English 
languages. As two distinct languages with different grammatical structures, phonetics, 
and  cultural  contexts,  the  interactions  between  Uzbek  and  English  present  unique 
difficulties for linguists, translators, and language learners. The study examines key 
areas such as syntax, idiomatic expressions, and cultural nuances that often lead to 
misinterpretations or loss of meaning. Additionally, it highlights the role of stylistic 
elements, including tone, register, and rhetorical devices, which further complicate 
cross-linguistic  communication.  By  analyzing  these  challenges,  the  article  aims  to 
provide insights into effective strategies for overcoming barriers in translation and 
fostering better understanding between speakers of Uzbek and English. Ultimately, this 
research  contributes  to  the  broader  field  of  comparative  linguistics  and  enhances 
awareness of the intricacies involved in multilingual communication. 



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